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The Future Technologies of E-Government
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9.53AM

Coupled with thoughtful approaches for use, new technologies can offer striking progress in organizational performance and effectiveness. Leaders are considering how to apply major technology waves to the challenges ahead.

The following are some of the technology categories that hold na great deal of potential in improving the effectiveness of government organizations.

* Digital Content Services
* Privacy and Rights Management
* Enterprise Interoperability
* Reach and Mobility

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10.53PM

Governments work transforms by CrimsonLogic shared information in delivered services for the profit of government, citizen, and businesses. Success in eGovernment since in thr early 90s has put us in a lead role among services provider of capacity. Adept at creating eGovernment solutions that protect investment and too achieve policy objectives with the effective of using public funds. Capability enables us to deliver services from designing and building eGovernment solutions, to operating these services in order to drive substantial and lasting improvements.

What are the future of E-government in Malaysia?
Monday, June 14, 2010 8.40PM

[Picture of a bar chart]
On this poll, I have asked about the future of E-government, people still have doubt about e-government. There are a same number of vote on 2 of the answer which this is the first time this kind of result apear. Both of the answer are totally opposite of each other and this show that people are still not fully understand about e-government.

More Government Agencies In Malaysia Establish Onine Presence
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 7.24AM

In Malaysia, amount of government agencies are now increasing and appearing online, assessment programme was conducted by three government agencies which are Multimedia Development Corporation(MDeC), the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation(MOSTI) and the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit(MAMPU).

There were 1133 portals and websites were assessed. The ranking of number of international e-government serveys, and most recent by the three government agencies in Malaysia. Government agencies in Malaysia have woken up opportunity to leverage the internet which engage with the residents and visitors.

Technology on E-government include both online services and usage in government offices.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:40 AM

[Picture of a pie-chart]
Most of the people do know that e-government is something the include both online services and the usage of its technology in government office or document arrangement. However, all these function of e-government was no totally utilize by the government of Malaysia.

Data Warehouse and Data Mining Technologies in Electronic Government
Monday, June 07, 2010 9:02 AM

Information is very important for electronic government and it is always in demand. Access to a accurate and latest information has already become vital in today's global marketplace. The government requires larger access to information to support decision-making and operational processes. The government also need wider access to information to facilitate its extended relationships. The information is gathered from various systems and sources and then organized and stored so that it is easily accessible to those who need it and when they need it.

For example, Generic Office Environment is designed to support resource and data management across government. This system allows the search, retrieval and manipulation of information from various forms and sources for daily operations and is location independent.

Mining the data and resources stored in its repository is made meaningful through the Enterprise-wide Information System.

Using Data Warehouse and Data Mining technologies, it is clear that the problem of too much data, too little information can be resolve and relevant information can be classified and found easily when someone need it, this technology also improve government's operational effectiveness.

Electronic Government
Wednesday, June 02, 2010 5:01 PM

[A video about our blog]

The financial advantage
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 9:24 PM

Help reduce cost and increase efficiencies.
Technology infrastructure for e-government from IBM can help provide a return on investment by:

* Integrating applications and procedures within and among agencies - workers can effectively communicate with each department.
* Allowing mobility for workers - employees not around at the office can get information very quickly.
* Enabling e-participation - citizens have the opportunity to utilize Web-based transactions. Services and convenience are provided to citizens without paying any cost of traditional methods.
* Consolidating eServer - you need less staff and less floor space to keep up with servers. Theres no pressure to buy more hardware and hire more people to run the department.


  • Steven Yong

  • Wee Jek Zen

  • Jentzen Choo

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

E- Government to be finished by 2011 [podcast in mandarin]

Link to us: http://sn.im/w917t


  • The Electronic Government was launched to lead the country into the Information Age.


  • It will improve both how the government operates internally as well as how it delivers services to the Malaysian.


  • It seeks to improve the convenience, accessibility and quality of interactions with citizens and businesses.


  • It also improve information and processes within government to improve the quality of development, coordination and enforcement.


  • The vision of Electronic Government is for government, businesses and citizen who working together for the benefit of Malaysia.


  • The vision focuses on effectively delivering services from the government to Malaysian, it enabling the government to become more responsive to the needs of citizens.

Internet References

MSC Malaysia [Online]
        Retrieved 11th May 2010
        URL: http://www.mscmalaysia.my/

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